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Chateaux & Manoir

Here are a few examples of our chateaux and manoir projects that we have designed and gained planning approval for.  


Our chateaux and Manoir projects involve a range of application types, majoritively full planning applications (Permits de Construire), but all require RE2020 thermal attestations and the majority required surveys for private drainage systems and other approvals.


A lot of the projects involve conversion of existing buildings into spaces for events.  It is these types of projects that require specific ERP (Etablissement Recevant de Publique) applications associated with disabled access and fire protection and escape. This is in addition to the normal application requirements.


These type of projects also often involve negotiation and communication with the Architectes des Batiments de France ("ABF").

Wedding Venue Conversion

Type - Chateaux conversion to a wedding venue

Services: design development and planning management

Full Permis de construire with ERP dossier

RE2020 thermal modelling

Natura 2000 consultancy (associated with national parks)

ABF consultancy


Wedding Venue Conversion

Type - Chateaux orangery conversion to a wedding venue

Services: design development and planning management

Full Permis de constuire with ERP dossier

RE2020 thermal modelling

Natura 2000 consultancy (associated with national parks)

ABF consultancy


Retreat Conversion

Type - Chateaux orangery conversion to a wedding venue

Services: design development and planning management

Full Permis de construire with ERP dossier

RE2020 thermal modelling

Natura 2000 consultancy (associated with national parks)

ABF consultancy

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